Friday, June 26, 2015

Life Algorithm

I am a programmer. I write program or code to solve problems. But I am thinking of the master algorithm which drives our life. The algorithm which is developed in our head and we take decisions based on that. As a programmer, we define the problem and then build a code or system to solve it. Our mind works the same way. We face a problem in life and build a solution from our past experience. The algorithm in our minds keeps on changing its’ else if condition, for loops, while loops and case statements etc.

I see the whole world is following some algorithm. The birds, the fish, animals, human beings and even our earth and then our solar system. We are just pieces of a problem. If I say a fish is a problem name that is solved in water only otherwise our algorithm will fail/die outside the water. We all are problems trying to solve ourselves for survival just like the fish.

Our life algorithm is adaptive and unpredicted. It keeps on changing and gives surprises to us. We are astonished by the new changes we receive. But I think being surprised is also a part of algorithm. Happiness, sadness, tension, cry, laugh all emotions are part of it. Even I am writing something here is also part of my life algorithm and you are reading this is part of your life algorithm. We are alive due to different algorithm inside us like respiratory system, digestive system etc. are working fine.

Sometimes we think that we don’t know the future. But the reality is we don’t know the exact possibility of how our life algorithm is going to work in future. There are enormous possibilities and we are following just one. It’s like writing a code and after executing it seeing the results as pass or failure. Just like we all are different algorithms and taking time about 100 years to execute and in the end someone just note the results as pass or fail.

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