Saturday, August 1, 2015

What a country need? People who want to die for their country or People who want to live for their country?

Seriously! whether it is a under developed, developing or developed country, all countries need people with real patriotism. But what defines a real patriot or true lover of country. If we randomly pick any person on street and ask about his feelings towards his country then what would be the answer. Some may say that I love our country, I am proud of our country or I can do anything for my country or I can die for my country. But does it really prove their words? When the time comes, we get to know the real faces of people. The reality between their words and their action.
Well, all countries have their defence personnel. There is common myth that all the defence persons or armed force person are trained to die for country. Does "dying for country" really define their true love for country? But the reality is something else. They are not trained to die for country they are trained to do anything for country without any fear. And this fear includes fear of death too. The soldiers are trained to be fearless in all conditions, whether this soldier belongs to armed forces or terrorist group. The fear of death is treated as biggest fear in life. The training bring this fear out of the human body to make them do anything for their country. They do not think while act. That's what they are trained for. Only they take orders from some high ranker and do the job. They are not motivated for country love. They are fearless. They don't care about their life. So we can't say that the person who can die for country is true love of country. But a country need these kind of people to protect it. But not all defence persons are like that. Some fall in below category also.
There are some country men with real patriotism in them. And they are also have part in armed forces to serve their country. But they are not ready to die for their country. You can find these people not only in armed forces but also in school, colleges, societies etc. These people are truly devoted to their country. It does not matter whether they are on border to protect their country or serving in society to build strong and beautiful nation. They don't want to die, they want to live for their country to protect it, to build it and to make it best in world. They make their country worth living for.  They want to see their country growing and developing. They take full responsibility in making  their country a great nation. They do not depend on others or wait for others to do something for their country. And they fear death. Yes, they fear death because if they are dead then who is going to take care of their country. They fear death because they died without serving their country. They fear death because after death they are not going to love their country anymore. Because their life is wasted without doing anything for their country. But they hardly think of dying. They are highly motivated for their country that country is first for them and their fear for anything comes later.
It depends on people to people that what they want from their life and from their country and what they want to do for their country and people. People are not motivated in right direction. I don't know how people are motivated for their country. It's just that all countries needs true countrymen.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Life Algorithm

I am a programmer. I write program or code to solve problems. But I am thinking of the master algorithm which drives our life. The algorithm which is developed in our head and we take decisions based on that. As a programmer, we define the problem and then build a code or system to solve it. Our mind works the same way. We face a problem in life and build a solution from our past experience. The algorithm in our minds keeps on changing its’ else if condition, for loops, while loops and case statements etc.

I see the whole world is following some algorithm. The birds, the fish, animals, human beings and even our earth and then our solar system. We are just pieces of a problem. If I say a fish is a problem name that is solved in water only otherwise our algorithm will fail/die outside the water. We all are problems trying to solve ourselves for survival just like the fish.

Our life algorithm is adaptive and unpredicted. It keeps on changing and gives surprises to us. We are astonished by the new changes we receive. But I think being surprised is also a part of algorithm. Happiness, sadness, tension, cry, laugh all emotions are part of it. Even I am writing something here is also part of my life algorithm and you are reading this is part of your life algorithm. We are alive due to different algorithm inside us like respiratory system, digestive system etc. are working fine.

Sometimes we think that we don’t know the future. But the reality is we don’t know the exact possibility of how our life algorithm is going to work in future. There are enormous possibilities and we are following just one. It’s like writing a code and after executing it seeing the results as pass or failure. Just like we all are different algorithms and taking time about 100 years to execute and in the end someone just note the results as pass or fail.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Voice? Aggression? Action?

Hey all readers. Everybody is using nowadays this means of communication so here I am to share my views. As the topic suggests my country is full of people who raise their voices, are aggressive in nature and in some cases may take action. 
In recent events of Nirbhaya, it is the perfect example. Many persons have raised voices. Some are still aggressive. But I am not aware that any action regarding that was taken. It has been more than two years and people almost forgot the case. Then suddenly the issue is that the bus driver's thinking and his advocate's thinking matters the most. At the time when she was raped and died in hospital, all things were going well. Suddenly a movie is released with wrong opinions, now everybody is pissed off. I want to ask those people making emotional statements, sharing photos and using social networking sites to support nirbhaya now especially the female ones that where were they when these things actually happened in real life instead of in a movie. I dont know what today's generation think about it. But I know one thing that hanging the people till death will not solve the problem. The bus driver replied on death penalty. He said that if we are going to get death penalty for that then we(rapists) have to kill the girl after rape. previously we may leave them alive but death penalty leave them no choice. All people who are supporting the death penalty, this is what you get from rapists now. No fear no regrets, only change in rape plans. So the question still remains "Did we succeed to stop rape?". The answer is still no. I dont know what you all are thinking about. But the real problem is thinking. We can kill a rapist but not its thinking. So we have to figure out how to kill a thinking, not the person. And we are not going to change thinking of those rapist by sitting on our machines and posting or reading or watching articles about nirbhaya. It is good that your  profile, is getting likes/comment  but for virtual world not the real one. We can not be there entirely leaving the real word stinking and making it inhabitable day by day.
In reality you all have to act with voice and aggression. Lighting candles in mass at a place, clicking snaps, giving interview on media and then going home, locking home so that you can take good sleep. This kind of routine is also not going to impact anything. If you dont beleive me take an example of Anna Hazare. Let me brush up your memory. He is willing to die for our people. Our people who dont give a shit about him. He raised his voice for Jan Lokpal bill. On that time there are millions-billions of poeple are in support  for Jan lokpal bill. But only handful of crowd is there in ramleela maidan. Where is the other support? Where are those million and billions of people? Where are they when they are actually needed in real world? There is no action from their side. I have seen practically. In college many students were in support for Anna Hazare. We have organised a small rally in support, then a lot of students did not join. They have family constraint or too much thinking or guts issue. Today we have the same issue. We need to make India a safe place and we all wanted the same. But nobody is going to participate in that. Even today if go on reviewing the posts on social network websites, a lot of people with broad thinking are there. I have asked them to join rally for same cause. And after that they stopped talking to me.
And the reason I am taking these example is that each individual has to step up. It is the biggest war of all time. We have to destroy a thinking not from India but from whole world. We have won a independence  on 15 Aug 1947. We can win this one too. At that time also we have to kill our slavery thinking and implement freedom. This is the same. It may be bigger than previous  one but we have more courage and resources this time. We have to unite, raise our voice with aggression and act on it.
Many people find this blog as fascinating as to share this on social sites. But I need you all to think about it and act in real world. Because  a country is saved by its own people. So please...